Boy ‘O’ Boy, AM I Glad You Stopped To Visit!

We help women get a firm and toned body. Without setbacks or having the weight come rushing back.

Hi I’m Aaron Lipsey,

I’m the founder of Torch Fitness

I’d like to be honest right out of the gate…

I’m one of those people who believe you meet certain people in your life for a reason.

Take me for a bit of a fool, but somehow, at just the right time, the right person seems to show up.

Do you believe that?

You’re here reading this because you’re ready to get in shape.

Not hear me ramble on about how Torch Fitness came to be.

It’s sweet of you to be interested though…

Here’s the 60 second recap of how we came to be.

I had cancer as a child. I don’t actually remember all they did to me during that time, but my parents say it was pretty bad.

As I got older I found myself in the hospitals again and wondered if I’d ever be able to just have a “normal” life.

I don’t know how other kids felt, but for me, when I was in the hospital, all I could think about was getting out.

I’d look to the sky and ask whomever was up there to please just let me out of here.

It was then I discovered nothing in this world mattered more than your health.

I’m not just talking about what you see when you look in the mirror - even though it’s an important piece.

I’m talking about the rest of it too.

Keeping firm and vibrant muscle tone in each decade of your life.

Feeling young inside. As if the effects of aging aren’t even there.

Wiping away any nagging injuries, aches or pains and feeling as though your body is 10-20 years younger.

Most people think it’s about the look. But it’s about the FEEL!

There is nothing greater than feeling






And you can have all of these things.

Maybe you think you're not deserving. Maybe you’ve had your confidence drop a few notches.

Or maybe so many failed attempts have piled up over the years, you’re just scared to try again. 

I get it….

I’ve been there….

The brain is a funny thing.

But sometimes it just takes that one person. That one move you make to completely change your life.

When you click the button below, deep down in my heart, I believe that's what will happen.

And I’ll do everything it takes to have you feeling and looking the way you want! 

Click the button below and introduce yourself. We’re excited to hear your story! 

Aaron Lipsey 

Founder of Torch Fitness
Copyright 2022. Torch Fitness all rights reserved